Everybody knows that storm clouds are gathering and current events show the storm coming will be intense


What 3 FACTS out of History You Don’t Know and
How they can Help You when World War 3 starts

This trail has been traveled before, although difficult to see,
it is not imposable to detect!


When the President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak went to bed Monday night he did not know that the next morning on January 25, some mothers carrying babies would march into Tahrir Square chanting, “Revolution until Victory!” with their children waving signs reading “OUT!” Mr. Mubarak had no way of knowing that after 30 years of being in office he would be unemployed within 18 days. He did not know those days would go down in history as the “Days of Rage” and the “Papyrus Revolution”.

President Mubarak didn’t read Biblical prophecy or he would have known changes were coming to Egypt that would happen in our day. The protesters do not understand that even greater changes are yet to take Egypt. After a very violent Islamic storm ravages Egypt, bringing even greater distress than their former President and his corrupt thugs caused during the past 30 years, Egypt shall very soon reject Islam and stand apart from the Islamic nations. And the Lord shall declare:

“Blessed be Egypt My people!”

Isaiah 19:25


Does Biblical Prophecy have a way of bending time to give you a glimpse into the future?


The fact that you were led here and are reading this means there is an intelligence within you, whispering to you:

“You can find out things you are wondering about; there is a map that you haven’t seen, a secret you do not know.” This is your opportunity to glimpse at the map to learn the secret… to be really truly informed!

In 70 AD, Jerusalem was over-run and destroyed by the mighty Roman legion. The Roman soldiers, having just weeks earlier surrounded and attacked the Jewish Zealots and Jewish Christians who were fighting to defended the city with their lives, stopped the attack abruptly and withdrew to the coastline and made camp. The Zealots and Christians followed for a distance killing the Roman stragglers they could reach. They returned to the city in triumphant celebration believing they had defeated the greatest military power in the world.

But within weeks the Romans were back, constructing a wall completely around Jerusalem, a containment wall so none inside it could ever escape. After several weeks of starvation the city inhabitants were too weak to resist the invading soldiers. The slaughter lasted from dawn to dusk and again the next day for several days. So much so that the exhausted Roman soldiers put the remaining Jews on the slave market, which resulted in the collapsing of the price of slaves worldwide. Although several thousand Christian Jews resided in the city, not one was slaughtered or sold into slavery.

The Bend in Time

You see, when the Jewish Christians returned to the city after chasing off the mighty Roman Legion, they remembered a prophecy that Jesus gave them to watch for… and taking heed to that one prophecy saved all of their lives. You see, what happened was that during the fierce initial attack by the Romans they had received word from Rome that the Emperor had died. Because of the great expense associated with subduing Palestine (Holy Land), they were ordered to break off the attack, withdraw to the coast and await the crowning and command decision of a new Emperor. The Jews in Jerusalem were not aware of this correspondence. That is why they thought they had defeated the Legion. Days latter the Royal orders came, to totality and completely destroy Jerusalem and its inhabitants. After days of slaughter the Legionnaires asked that the second part of the order be allowed to be changed, to sell the live Jews remaining into slavery.


When the Christian Jews had returned to the city (after pursuing the Legion to the coast) they remembered Jesus words:


“And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter there into. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”


St. Luke 21:20-24 (KJV)


The Christians in Jerusalem…

They left!

Going into the nations as free Jews, the Christians went unhindered to the cities and churches the 12 Apostles had established, perhaps for such an event as this, and the churches became more powerful because of their presence.


Imagine for a moment that you were a Christian freedom fighter in 70 AD, walking back to Jerusalem after chasing the Roman soldiers to the coast. Perhaps as you enter the city streets where others of your faith met you and tell you that the Church Bishop of Jerusalem had realized (with Heaven’s help) that the first part of Jesus’ prophecy had just happened and the rest was soon to follow…

What would



A question every Christian Jew in Jerusalem had been asking ever since Jesus spoke that prophecy (37 years earlier) had just been answered. You see no one could figure out how one was to “flee to the mountains” if Jerusalem was “compassed with armies”. Because they knew the Biblical prophecies and believed the prophecies, they now had that answer. They knew if the first of it had taken place the rest was soon to follow.


Imagine for a moment that you had this kind of control over world events, not just the little stuff but the really important stuff. What if you had this kind of clarity of thought?


You could make smarter decisions.

• You would be able to avoid problems and obstacles
• You would feel satisfied that you had spent every moment in the best, most useful way
• You could develop a plan of action

And because of this, everything would fall into place. You would look in the mirror and know you had the Truth the Biblical Prophets taught, and the confidence that that Truth gave you. You had done everything possible for the peace and safety of your family.


Alexander the Great entered the Holy Land with the intent to destroy the Jews but showed them great favors when they showed him in the Book of Daniel the Prophet the passage speaking about Alexander written 220 years earlier


We shall let Josephus the Jewish historian, tell us the tell:

“Alexander went to Jerusalem after having taken Gaza. Jaddua, the high priest, had a warning from God received in a dream, in which he saw himself vested in a purple robe, with his miter—that had the golden plate on which the name of God was engraved—on his head. Accordingly he went to meet Alexander at Sapha ("View" [of the Temple]). Followed by the priests, all clothed in fine linen, and by a multitude of citizens, Jaddua awaited the coming of the king. When Alexander saw the high priest, he reverenced God (Lev. R. xiii., end), and saluted Jaddua; while the Jews with one voice greeted Alexander. When Parmenio, the general, gave expression to the army's surprise at Alexander's extraordinary act—that one who ought to be adored by all as king should adore the high priest of the Jews—Alexander replied: "I did not adore him, but the God who hath honored him with this high-priesthood; for I saw this very person in a dream, in this very habit, when I was at Dios in Macedonia, who, when I was considering with myself how I might obtain dominion of Asia, exhorted me to make no delay, but boldly to pass over the sea, promising that he would conduct my army, and would give me the dominion over the Persians." Alexander then gave the high priest his right hand, and went into the Temple and "offered sacrifice to God according to the high priest's direction," treating the whole priesthood magnificently.

"And when the Book of Daniel was shown him [see Dan. vii. 6, viii. 5-8, 20-22, xi. 3-4], wherein Daniel declared that one of the Greeks [ ] should destroy the empire of the Persians, he supposed that he was the person intended, and rejoiced thereat. The following day Alexander asked the people what favors he should grant them; and, at the high priest's request,

- he accorded them the right to live in full enjoyment of the laws of their forefathers.
- He, furthermore, exempted them from the payment of tribute in the seventh year of release.
- To the Jews of Babylonia and Media also he granted like privileges;
- and to the Jews who were willing to enlist in his army he promised the right to live in accordance with their ancestral laws.”


The Bend in Time

The High Priest understanding What to know and When to know it, and that the time for that prophecy’s fulfillment in Daniel was right then, not only saved the city but the lives of everyone in the city.

World events change very fast, would a map of what the next several changes that are to happen… help?

When every one was saying that Russia was a financial basket case and China depended far to much on our ‘trade” to ever threaten or compete with America.


The Bend in Time

At that time I showed them in Biblical Prophecy that Russia was going to come out of their poverty and reinvent their military

1. 2010 “Our formula sees China edge out Russia but only by the slimmest of margins (0.238 versus 0.241 respectively) with an edge in available manpower and financial capital” for number 2 world military power source www.globalfirepower.com .

I told them that China was going to threaten America’s interest in the Pacific Rim

2. (TOKYO (Reuters 2010) – “A U.S. military presence in the Pacific is essential to restrain Chinese assertiveness, Washington's defense chief said on Friday, describing China's technology advances as a challenge to U.S. forces in the region. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates' comments are likely to add to tensions over political and economic quarrels between the two superpowers just days before Chinese President Hu Jintao visits the United States.”).

When Russia and China were warring with each other on the “Bamboo Curtain” (their common border) I used Biblical Prophecy to show how China and Russia were going to in our day become the very best of friends

1. (“Aug 18, 2005 ... The Russian and Chinese armed forces have begun their first joint military exercises.” The BBC).
2. (2010 “The China-Russia friendship pact signed Monday pledged closer economic, security, and cultural links between the two countries and reiterated support for the 1972 anti-ballistic missile treaty, which the United States wants to abandon so that it can pursue missile defense. Russia also confirmed its support for "one China," pledging to oppose "the independence of Taiwan in any form." According to the Financial Times)

How am I able to do this?

I am not a Prophet!

I don’t have a crystal ball!

I do not chart the stars!


I have spent a great deal of time studying The Prophets, men like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel all of them!


I uncovered several things unheard of in the study of Biblical Prophecy by modern prophecy and Bible teachers. Such as:

1. The Prophetic Clock –
2. The Prophetic Tree –
3. The Prophetic Cube –

The most amazing find of all, the Two fold fulfillment of Prophecy. The most amazing thing was I didn’t invent these instruments to study prophecy by I found them just laying their, undisturbed for perhaps thousands of years, I know because that’s how much dust I had to clear off to get to them. I put these findings in a book so as the Bend in Time has helped those who came before us, so the ancient Biblical Prophets can help You! You could search the Prophets your self, you probably own a Bible, most do. But that might take 30 years, it did me, and you don’t have that kind of Time


Your Invitation to find out for yourself what tomorrow’s Headlines will read!

My name is Dan Bertran Griffey and I would like to ask you a question. If you could go back in time just before the World Economic Depression hit. And you knew what was going to happen before it happened, wouldn’t you

1. Get closer to God!
2. Pay off all your debts!
3. Place your assets were they would be protected no matter how bad it got.
4. Get liquid and develop a flexible mindset.

How would that information have helped you then?

This is the same book that sales at Amazon.com

This is the same book that sells at Amazon.com in “good” used condition for $41 and “very good” used condition for $59.99 - $101. Don’t believe me? Here is the screen shot to prove it.




Or mail $25 to:

Dan Griffey

P.O. Box 470217

Fort Worth, Texas 76147

(World War 3 in Prophecy Book and your return address)

Is 2012 end of every thing we know?
Or is 2012 beginning of something more biblical?
What the Mayans never dreamt of, the Biblical Prophets wrote about.