Stephen GriffeyStephen Griffey, Graphics Book Cover Designer

End of the world 2012 ?? What does the Bible say!

  • What is happing with the Earth's weather and what does Bible Prophecy say about it?

  • Why is China developing a world class military?

  • Russia and China for hundreds of years were bitter enemies. Why have they become best comrades overnight?

  • Ancient Babylon is a vacant archeological site of no commercial value, yet Bible prophecy says in the "time of the end" it shall be a world class economic power center that all the nations of the Earth are enriched by. Are the nations of the Earth going to lament the destruction of an archeological dig?

  • Will there now be peace in the Middle East, since the more militant Islamic nations are coming under control?

  • Is the United States of America ever mentioned in the prophetical writings of the biblical prophets? If so what lays ahead for her?

The answers to these questions and many world events questions not asked here (will these events lead to the end of the world) questions to profound and interwoven thorough multiple biblical prophecies in the Bible, to give a quick fix. Their answers found within the "Voice Of The Prophets" book series and in the DVD "The Revenge Of The Czar's" will astound, inform, shock and even make you think about Bible prophecy events that have been waiting to be fulfilled for thousand's of years, but you don't have to wait any longer!






"World War 3 in Prophecy"

America scatters her thin military across the globe as casualties on the battlefield begin to multiply. The dark clouds of World War 3 descend upon her homeland. Invading armies ravage her heartland while enslaving Europe and Asia, with no one to slow them down. Russia, China and Islam seem to be unstoppable as the world is thrown into a new Dark Age.


"World War 3 in Prophecy"

by Dan Bertran Griffey

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" The Second Moses"

The biblical prophet Jeremiah brings a King's daughter and a stone to an island, to perform his heavenly commission. Joseph of Arimathae'a takes his sister the mother of the recently deceased (and risen again) Jesus of Nazareth, to an island and founded the first church on earth. Accompanying them is the famed "Rod of God" with which Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt. What do these ancient events have to do with a world war raging two thousand years later? How does a poor man who is sitting in modern day Scotland fulfill an ancient promise that God made to a people whom He divorced and scattered throughout the world three thousand years ago? Find out in the pages of "The Second Moses."


"The Second Moses"

by Dan Bertran Griffey

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Special Package Offer:

1 "World War 3 In Prophecy" (book)
1 "The Second Moses" (book)
1 DVD "World War 3 The Revenge Of The Czars"

(preview of DVD below)

(2 books & 1 (2 DVD set) DVD)
for $95.99 saves $9
(price includes shipping and handling

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"2 Exodus: Down into the Sea"

The arrival of the Hunters and Gatherers on what was once The United States.
The Biblical Plagues that fell upon ancient Egypt now fall upon the Chinese occupational forces in America.
North America is returned to the Native American Indians.
The Gathering of all the tribes (Hebrew) and their departure is the first phase of 2exodus.
The water divides!
In the midst of the Atlantic Ocean,
Gog's armada attacks the delivered slaves from America.





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World War 3 The Revenge of the Czars

2.4 hour Lecture by Dan Bertran Griffey
given in Fort Worth, Texas



  • How does the Romanov Royal bloodline orchestrate the events of World War 3?
  • Why does the "Gog" of biblical prophecy believe he can successfully overrun Israel, the United States and Europe?
  • How does the revolt of the White Russians, the White (Royalist) Chinese and all of Islam take the Illuminati "New World Order" completely by surprise, causing them to fear for their very lives?
  • Why the Zionist Jewish Nation "Israel" will not build the Prophecied 3rd Temple in Jerusalem!
  • Where are we in Biblical prophecy today?
  • Why is the United States Military forces in the Middle East?
  • What other militant Islamic nations will the New World Order subdue by using the United States Military?
  • What prophecy is the nation of Israel tying to force that will lead to its destruction?
  • Why are unemployment riots and race wars coming to the cities of America?
  • Who is the "gog" of prophecy and is he alive today, how is he a direct descendant from the Romanoff Czar who was murdered?
  • How does Israel's "security fence" that is being built give us a clue to who "Babylon the Great" of prophecy is?
  • Why one of the top three Islamic Holy places in the Middle East is about to be destroyed?
  • Why we cannot find the standing armies of the Islamic nations the New World Order is invading, where are those armies now?
  • What locations in America does her enemies (Russia, China and Islam) wish to preserve at all cost, and what locations do they wish to destroy?
  • How will China invade Japan and what nations in the Far East shall fall in order for this to happen?
  • What prophecies must be fulfilled before Jesus (Messiah ben David) can return? Prophecies that our church leaders are ignoring!
These and many other questions are answered in the lecture "World War 3 in Prophecy: The Revenge of the Czars" by Dan Bertran Griffey.
This Lecture is a Companion to, but is very different from, the book "World War 3 in Prophecy:The Next Dark Ages" by Dan Bertran Griffey.

Individual DVDs can be ordered from the DVD Lecture page!



Here is the first 14 minutes of the DVD!






We have a FREE! news letter That will be sent to you by email.

The News letter will discuss:

* How to prophetically interpret the current News.
*What happened in the past that has an effect on today's news event.

It is only a few pages long, so it will be packed full and will not take a lot of time to read. If you wish to have this sent to you, you will need to register. I do not sell email address and will not give your infomation out to anyone, but in order to receive it,

you will need to REGISTER.

Some of the Topics are:

  • What will happen to our Currencies?

  • Why we can’t just all get along!

  • The Promised End of World War 3 in Prophecy!

  • They try to defraud you of your estate!

  • The Lord makes a promise which as of yet He has not kept!

  • Animal Sacrificed to Save the Holy Land!

  • After a great Earth Quake hits America, civil unrest comes!

  • Liberals of the Nations during the Tribulation period turn to the Lord and Repent!

  • The Habitation of Dragons!

  • A modern day Korah incident takes place on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean!


Sign up for News Letter Here!









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Bible Prophecy