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World War 3 The Revenge of the Czars
(the 2DVD set)

2-1/2 hour Lecture by Dan Bertran Griffey
given in Fort Worth, Texas


  • How does the Romanov Royal bloodline orchestrate the events of World War 3?

  • Why does the "Gog" of biblical prophecy believe he can successfully overrun Israel, the United States and Europe?

  • How does the revolt of the White Russians, the White (Royalist) Chinese and all of Islam take the Illuminati "New World Order" completely by surprise, causing them to fear for their very lives?

  • Why the Zionist Jewish Nation "Israel" will not build the Prophecied 3rd Temple in Jerusalem!

  • Where are we in Biblical prophecy today?

  • Why is the United States Military forces in the Middle East?

  • What other militant Islamic nations will the New World Order subdue by using the United States Military?

  • What prophecy is the nation of Israel tying to force that will lead to its destruction?

  • Why are unemployment riots and race wars coming to the cities of America?

  • Who is the "gog" of prophecy and is he alive today, how is he a direct descendant from the Romanov Czar who was murdered?

  • How does Israel's "security fence" that is being built give us a clue to who "Babylon the Great" of prophecy is?

  • Why one of the top three Islamic Holy places in the Middle East is about to be destroyed?

  • Why we cannot find the standing armies of the Islamic nations the New World Order is invading, where are those armies now?

  • What locations in America does her enemies (Russia, China and Islam) wish to preserve at all cost, and what locations do they wish to destroy?

  • How will China invade Japan and what nations in the Far East shall fall in order for this to happen?

  • What prophecies must be fulfilled before Jesus (Messiah ben David) can return? Prophecies that our church leaders are ignoring!

These and many other questions are answered in the lecture "World War 3 in Prophecy: The Revenge of the Czars" by Dan Bertran Griffey.

This Lecture is a Companion to, but is very different from, the book "World War 3 in Prophecy:The Next Dark Ages" by Dan Bertran Griffey.

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View a 14 minute Video
It shows
some highlights
of the 2 1/2 hour 2DVD set

WW3 in Prophecy:
The Revenge of the Czars