Godzilla in Mortal Combat


Godzilla (Japan) in Mortal Combat with the Red Dragon (China)

by Dan Bertran Griffey
D.D. November 21, 2003



I was walking away from an American city that I had been conducting business in. There was an overhead structure made of wood that kept the hot sun off your head that extended a great distance from the city that I was just in. Other people who were walking underneath this structure were both coming and going out from the city. Over to my right as I was heading south was a very large field, whereby a person could see out a great distance across this field. The overhead structure was made of wood strips sort of like lattice work but bigger and stronger. During the summer a vine could grow up across it and completely hide your view of the sky. But at this time there was no vine growing so if you had a mind to, one could look up through the lattice work and see the sky. But no one on the road did, they were to busy in their commerce (business) to look up. I love looking at the sky so I looked up every once and a while why I was traveling down the road.

When I was looking through the lattice work I saw a very fearful site. Godzilla the Japanese movie monster was being chased by another monster across the great field to my right. In the Japanese movies Godzilla was always fighting with some other huge monster, but this was different. This monster I didn't recognize at first because I had been told by the United States government that it didn't exist, as well as being told by the American media that it was no threat. Well obviously the American media and government didn't know what they were talking about because here it was bigger than life. It (the other monster) looked very similar to Godzilla but also very different. It was larger, quicker and smarter than Godzilla. It was easy to see that Godzilla had gotten fat and somewhat lazy since the 1950's movies were made. This new monster was not as defined and as colorful as Godzilla but it was more powerful. This was easy to see because Godzilla was running away from it, in fear for his life. As two huge monsters will do (at least in the movies) they both grabbed each other and fell to the grown in a death embrace. Even though they were very far off when they both went to the ground I knew that we underneath the overhead structure on the road leading out of the city were in real danger. I turned to the rest of the people who had stopped walking to see the battle who were now acting like they were at a movie. I yelled, "run for your lives" and I turned and started running to get out from under the overhead structure. I just glimpsed back as I started running to see the people still standing there at the side of the road, watching the show. The two monsters who were locked in each others embrace were rolling all over the field now. It wasn't but a few minuets as I was reaching the end of the overhead structure that they had rolled all across the open field and both their bodies as one were crashing onto the overhead structure bringing it down on top of the people's heads who had waited so long to run. The monsters crashed into the American city with a massive force, destroying it. I had already realized that by this time that the other monster was the Red Dragon of China. As I was running out from under the last part of the lattice work, I looked overhead and saw both their large tails entwined together. The Chinese dragon had made Godzilla part of it's own body and with both their strengths they fell upon an unprepared and unsuspecting America.

"The Chinese people are angry," said one marcher, Michael Teng, a graduate student at Donghua University. "We will play along with Japan and smile nicely at them, but they have to know they have a large, angry neighbor." By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN April 16,2005