Griffey Family Bible Study

The Books of The Aprocrypha

The books of the Apocrypha were printed in the original 1611 King James Bible, and was in every printing of the Bible up until the 1880's. At that time the Apocrypha was taken out of the King James.

For what reason it has never been clearly stated, I personally do not believe the ministers in the 1880's were more godly men than all the ministers of the 269 yrs. that came before them! Who gave the orders to take the Apocrypha out of the King James Bible?


Find out what end days prophecies lay hidden in the Apocrypha,

and you will understand why powerful men have tried to keep them hidden.

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The Apocrypha - Part 1
(Approximately 30 minutes)

The Eagle Terrifies the Nations and is rebuked by the second Moses before it burns.

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The Apocrypha - Part 2
(Approximately 42 minutes)

  • The Second Moses ends WW3
  • The Lord cleanses the Temple Mount
  • Third Temple is built.

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The Apocrypha - Part 3
(Approximately 40 minutes)

  • The condition of the Earth before 2exodus
  • Economic disaster world wide, Food shortage
  • The church is plurged of false bretheren by the Lord
  • American and United Nations troops in the Middle East are over run
  • The secular Jewish Nation in the Holyland is over run
  • Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Austria, United States is over run by China

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The Apocrypha - Part 4
(Approximately 1 hour, 3 minutes)

  • Egypt and Syria attacked by their Islamic brothers durring WW3
  • Gog the Russian freedom fighter against the New World Order
  • The Lords cup of wrath is given to the nations to drink
  • The Illuminati is put in fear for their lives
  • Hope for Christians and Jews

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SPECIAL: Listen to ALL 4

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Giffey Family Bible Studies
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Proverbs Chapter 1a

Proverbs Chapter 1b - 2a

Proverbs Chapter 2b - 3a

Proverbs Chapter 10a

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