Christopher Columbus, Albert Einstein





email sent in:

Dear Mr Giffey,
I am sure your book is excellent, and I hope it
makes you plenty of money. However, what I am concerned about, is the
interpretation , with due respect, of many of the ancient writings through
the open minded ,scientific eyes of the 21st century. When I say scientific,
I am not referring to the parochial scientific view, of test tubes and
linear analysis, but the " broadband holistic thinking " , which takes
account of the past in a rational and down to earth , in a non mystical way.
This situation ,the human race finds itself in, was , and is scientifically
predictable, as with the conception of a child to it's birth is
scientifically predictable. When we exploded the atomic bomb , at Hiroshima
we entered the age of POTENTIAL , self destruct. It is hardly rocket science
, to see why the millions of human races that have self destructed, in the
past on this very ancient planet: Nuclear War, over-population , and
environmental degradation. Population has grown some 4.5 billion in about 65
years to todays total of some 6.5 billion . I have heard some scientists,
suggesting , that , evolution has perhaps come to an end . The environment
is clearly changing and the POTENTIAL for nuclear war is still there.
However if we start to DEMYSTIFY these old understandings, and I say again ,
with respect and sensitivity, and proceed to understand the present ,
through advanced scientific eyes, then a lot of problems of UNDERSTANDING,
will start to disappear. As you may know, the word , religion , comes from
latin,religere: LIGERE = UNDERSTANDING and religere= to bind back or link
understanding. So de facto, todays . religere is becoming and should be
science. As a child, one is told " white stork " stories, as to where we
come from. When we reach a certain age, our parents, tell us THE TRUTH. We
do not stop loving our parents, but we see them in the light of this new
understanding we are given. A statement , has been made in a book, " The
more primitive a people are, the more deistic the religion which flourishes
there. This is made use of by visitors from other planets. for whom this is
the only way of peacefully visiting, those worlds, which have not yet
dominated their aggressiveness. If you reach that stage where you are
evolved visitors of primitive worlds, you yourselves will be forced to use
that system, which is in fact very amusing and consists of being considered
as gods by them. In fact this is very easy , because for primitives,
anything coming from the sky must be divine......Of course you must add a
bit to be respected and pleasantly received, which does no harm. We continue
to do 'apparitions' on Earth to see if it still works and to see the
reactions of the public authorities, the governments and the press. We amuse
ourselves quite often.....'. So the question one may ask is, do I have
sufficient scientific and spiritual humility, to consider this revolutionary
idea alongside the other two main ideas concerning the question of , where
do we come from? . In this revolutionary hypothesis, ALL the worlds
religions result , simply different people contacted, at different times.
over the last approximately 6000 years with a simple message designed to
guide us to this SCIENTIFICALLY PREDICTABLE age we are now privileged to
live in.
Again I say HUMILITY is required when considered alongside the alternatives
explaining the origins of our of our humanity.One thing is for sure , we as
a human race will not leave our solar system, if we do not make some
attempts , to de-mystify the past understandings and start to spiritualise
SCIENCE the new understanding, we will self -destruct. before we can reach
that stage.


You live in a very nice neighborhood, you don't get out of the country (probably the USA) much. You get most of your news from the established News Chanel's CNN,FOX,CBS..etc. You graduated from a good College with very good grades.
You are correct, Science has become a religion a very big business one with a lot of people trained to believe in it like yourself.
Their are two thing I want you to think about.

1) When Columbus set sail it was thought that he would fall off the edge of the Earth, or at least that's what they taught us in school. In school they told us that was a religious belief at the time. Our teachers were correct that it was believed since a ship sailing off the horizon and the ships sail seems to drop or go down (we are told no one set sail toward the open sea until Christopher C. did, this is not true as we found out latter). That observation was not a religious one as we were told it was a scientific one! You see it was the science of his day that feared Columbus was going to fall off the Earth. The Christians knew he would not because of biblical scripture "It is He (the Lord) that sitteth upon the circle of the Earth, and the inhabitants thereof are like grasshoppers." Isaiah 40:22. Because of this verse and others we Christians and Jews knew that the Earth was round (Columbus was a Jew so he knew it also). If Columbus would have listened to the "scientists" of his day and put his faith in them he never would have left the port, it was his faith in God that sustained him on the Journey this is proven again and again in his journals and diary"

2) It is your scientist that has given us the world we live in today. If you think it is a Garden of Eden then you need to get out of your neighborhood more. This point could be hashed over till the Cows come home, but if you what to see where this world that the scientists have given us is headed then you will need to read the book of the Revelation in the Bible. You are also correct we are being visited from non human life forms, but they are not from off planet. You see this is an insight that we Christians have about our day and time in history, like the insight the Christians in Columbus day had. Again it is the science of our day that haven't got a clue what is going on, the assumption that the UFO's are coming from off planiet is again a scientific one which again is a great blunder. If your faith remains with them (the scientist) you Michael will never leave the docks.
Dan Bertran Griffey









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Reply to above email:

thankyou so much for replying. I do not live in the USA but in the UK . When I am talking about science, I mean all knowledge , not what you seem to perceive as a bad world created by science. Presumably you are using a computer, which is a product of science. But I am talking about not just the technological precipitation's of science, but VERY ADVANCED SCIENCE. If our race were created by advanced science, the question one might ask is, could I accept this? As a I would imagine , you are a Christian, and believe Jesus will be back in the future. I believe he will be back, physically and how? Well you presumably accept he was resurrected? How could he be , but by very advanced science. If you see what our scientists are doing in the next years, you will begin to understand where I am coming from. The science I believe in is not what you think. I understand ,and so believe that this situation humanity finds itself in today was and is predictable. Our science today is conceptually in the time of Christ compared to the level of science I am talking about. The level of science on this planet today is rather at the level of toddlers putting its hand through the playpen bars. If science you see in the world is your enemy, then learn to know it. I think one must make the distinction between GOOD science such as medicine and the environment, and BAD science such as military weapons science.Science in the service of humanity yes, but NOT military science . or science simply driven by profit, and not in the interests of humanities wellbeing. I believe Jesus function was to spread the word of the Old testament, and a messages of love and understanding . These are key words LOVE and UNDERSTANDING. Through better understanding we can love our neighbours as ourselves . If there was , or ,maybe there is (?), would you dislike him because he is involved in an area , which you feel is against what you seem to believe is. I am talking about wise loving science not the kind you appear to think is destroying the world.
Re your point about Columbus: It may well have been his faith in God which assured him that all would be well. However I think the science of those days is hardly to be compared to the multi-disciplinary science of today. When scientists of today make decisions they tend(not always) to take account of other scientists. For example , building a nuclear power stationm they have to take account of environmental issues. Another,example would be pharmaceuticals, where due care has to be taken of, of side effects of medicines and the long term consequences, both medical and financial. We need more scientists in power to contribute to make wise deacons not just people in power who are scientifically illiterate. AT the moment we live in a society paralysed by profit only and little concern for the finer points of life.As science makes progress ever quicker today, we will see things that are unbelievable today. Gradually wise science will take away the need to work and instead we can learn to educate ourselves more about the world we live in and realise what it privilege it is to be alive today and respect our creators.Yes we could have a nuclear war or some limited use of these vile weapons. However I am optimistic that good will prevail and we will survive. The purpose of life is the avoidance of death(Dr David Harris).I believe we should bear in mind that we are all one family on this planet and while there may well be bad (psychologically or physically ill) people with a different goal from the vast majority, there time is running out, even though they may not be aware of it. (YET!)
With regards the origin of humanity, we can believe in an almighty impalpable. who 'magickked" man on this planet. OR we can believe in the theory of evolution. What I understand and so believe in is other civilisation of human beings in other solar sytems in our galaxy. How could an impalpable God say " let US make man in our image " ? (Genesis ). The word in the original Bibles, used for God was Elohim.and in fact means THOSE who came from the sky This is the plural for Eloha.
Nothing is lost here regarding Christianity. Jesus and his teachings are still to be respected, but in a 21st century perspective. These writings, in the past were written down by ' God' fearing men. who though were intelligent, were conceptually primitive, as we are in relation to Elohim(GOD). I mean if you were told in writing by your great great , grandfather that there would be infernal machines in the future such as computers or television, and not to use them as ' they are the works of the Devil,", would you stop using them? I think the answer would would be no. as you UNDERSTAND differently to this ancestor. And so with people writing thousands of years ago how can you not see these writings in a new light of multidisciplinary UNDERSTANDING of the world we live in today.?

" assumption that the UFO's are coming from off planet is again a scientific one which again is a great blunder".
I was not aware that this idea that this is a scientific one. So what do you think the UFO's are?.......the works of the Devil?.......the invention of a profit hungry arms industry needing to invent new enemies to survive, that is when the 'enemies onthis planet are no longer such as the, axis of evil? Just think of the great contracts to build ever more exotic weapons to deal with ' alien invasion '. I believe there is much mythology re UFO's. I think it is probable that their has been a lot of retoengineering of a couple of crashed saucers (Roswell and one in 1941 )and as a result a lot of the sightings are these exotic experimental craft built here on Earth.
There is another camp of thought , that believe we are being visited by many civilisations in the galaxy. The truth may be much more ' down to Earth', no pun intended, that we have been going through a gradual process of desensitisation by these visitors , in order to prepare us for the final truth of our origins. What about the parents of our parents? Where are they? So if you think God is not off planet human beings , from another solar system where is he. I suppose you might say he is everywhere and all powerful. Why did this impalpable almighty. allow the devastation of the recent tsunami in Indonesia? Why did this all loving God allow the tragedy in New Orleans? and so on. We as a humanity are but like a small child and we have to learn to grow up. The tsunami experience might be likened to a small child falling off a chair in that great scheme of thngs. Yet another camp of though believes in reincarnation and that we have had many lives. and that when we leave this " hell" on earth existence, we go on to a new paradise. I myself am more inclined to consider very advanced science, where our conciseness is our 'soul'
and we can be recreated if God'(Elohim), believes we deserves to be. So we are presented with the concept of infinity and we as individuals are but little pieces of infinity growing conscious of ourselves. A model to consider is the idea that we have a brain(biocomputer) above this sits consciousness and above this sits LOVE by which we are all connectable. I do not think these ideas are those of the typical scientist, whom you seem to identify with all that is wrong in the world?

With this scientific philosophy, I believe we can ' heal' science and can ultimately lead to its' spiritualisation.
Sincerely Michael

p.s. You may know that ONE of the reasons Giordano Bruno was burnt to death in 1600, was that he spoke in his writings of other beings in other solar systems.
p.p.s Things are moving so fast in science that in another 25 years we will approach the singularity, where the scientific disciplines will merge and everything will be known
'Then it might be good time to meet mummy and daddy'


Reply to the Reply:

Christians at least the ones who hold the Bible as the Word of God and not just christians in name only, we do not dislike science, that is true science. True science does not threaten the Lord or Christianity it can only reinforce it (Quantum Theory). It is this "harry potter" kind of science that we are given that disturbs us. This waving of the wand by the man in the white coat and the promise that the world will be a better place if only we let him have enough government funds and look the other way from time to time. True Science is neither good or bad and is governed by the Divine laws the Creator established. But this presto-science that is powered by the huge corporations that leads Alice down the rabbit hole, a rabbit hole she cannot get out of, and then collapses the hole behind her so she is sure never get out of. An example of this is the Atom Bomb, we were told by scientist that it's very existence would end war forever. So we gave them the funds and they gave us the BOMB! But it wasn't enough to just have the thing we had to show the world the thing worked so we used it, and if a little was good enough to end all war then we used it again just to prove our point. The world has not been the same place ever since. I like what one scientist said when interview about the use of it. When asked how would World War 3 be fought? Albert Einstein reply was he did not know how WW3 would be fought, but he did know how WW4 would be fought, with sticks and stones. This might sound like old news to you but the world is still living in dread of what was done then, and by the way Mr. Einstein was the one who made the Atomic Bomb possible, it was his theory that they used to make it. He was offered the job by the then president of the U.S. and wisely he turned it down, mainly because he was maybe the only one on the Earth who knew just how it would change mankind. If you are thinking what does this have to do with now? Well bombs much more destructive than the Atom Bomb will be used in WW3 which puts this at our doorstep.
Their is no denying there are many good things science has brought us, who could live without Velcro. It is not that kind of science that will wipe out whole continents. It is not "science" that is the danger here it is man! More specifically man in his fallen nature, playing with God's toys.
After all it was the "science" of shipbuilding that got Columbus to the New World (although we now know he wasn't the first).
It is understood that there are discoveries and inventions kept behind closed doors (actually deep underground) that would look to us with the technology we are now accustomed to using, that those secret science projects would seem like magic. But you must keep in mind they are not magic and they are in the hands of men (and women) with humanity's fallen nature. The result of these devices shall be no different than how the world was changed at the dropping of the first Atom Bomb. Well there is one difference their is no Albert Einstein alive who has enough understanding to leave Pandora's Box closed, IT WILL BE OPENED!
Michael you are young, it is you who will see these things happen in your life time (as well as mine) you will live to long for "True Science" and curse the day the nations ever gave funding to the "science" of our day.
I agree with you Love is very important but love without discipline and justice is chaos and that is were the world because of the abuse of the word (Love) by my generation is headed.
No the creators that are coming that will profess to be from outer space will not be any benefit to mankind at all. They will only benefit them selves, their master, and his son!

Dan Bertran Griffey





I thought I made it quite clear,
> I am not at all in favour of BAD science such as the
> atomic bomb,You say God's toys - I do hope
> God(Elohim) does not start playing with them! Yes ,
> we have been living in dread since this first bomb
> at Hiroshima. As I repeat, this situation our
> humanity is in, is not new. Their have been millions
> of races on this very ancient planet. It is a
> predictable situation we are in today. It is
> happenning as was predicted, not only in the Bible
> but in many of the worlds religions.
> What evidence do you have that
> there are no human civilistions in other solar
> systems.?
> They will only benefit them
> selves, their master, and his son! who are They,
> their master and his son
> Sincerely Michael



I have to disagree about how old the Earth is, it was created to appear old. As far as multitude of "races", before the Great Flood of Noah (yes true geology proves it did happen) their were by what Christian scientist has calculated to have been at least 28 Billion human inhabits on the planets with most living in the great valley of the Atlantic known today as the Atlantic Ocean. They did not really live on the high plateaus we live on today, that is where they went to offer sacrifice to their pagan god's and during the flood where they ran to die. Their great cities massive in scale are still on the floor bed of the Atlantic Ocean.
Those are God's toys He plays with His toys when we require it, an example would be the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah the other The Great Flood of Noah mentioned above.
I never said there are no inhabitants on other planets, in fact the Universe is quite densely populated much more than any one has imagined. When the Word of God went forth six thousand years ago it never stopped Creating not only Worlds but inhabitants for those worlds it is just they are not made in His image. Also they are not allowed to interfere with what He is doing on Earth. Their Embarrasses are set up in Heaven and their they are well represented. They both fear and Love God enough to obey his "hands off" command about the Earth that is why these creatures that are claiming to visit Earth from other planets are liars, that if forbidden, they know that so they lie! They the liars or a better name for they in "Destroyers" have come to "steal,kill and destroy". The only resistance they have on the Earth is true Christians and God fearing Torah true Jews. And all of Heaven of course, with the entire multitude of true inhabitants of the multitude of planets of the Universe who would physically oppose them but heaven forbids it, it is something we humans must deal with. That is the real reason they keep in hiding, and will not come out into the light until their benefactor the Son of Darkness revels himself. This "Son of Perdition" is alive today and living in your native Country, England.

Dan Bertran Griffey


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Christopher Columbus, Albert Einstein