Wales, Scotland, England






"I have read your book World War 3 and I am now half way through The Second Moses and I have 2 questions.
1) Could you explain the 6 world wars, I can only manage 5.
2) I am of Welsh ad English ancestry, could you tell me why Wales should proceed England. Although both countries are always counted together, England always precedes Wales.
I had already learnt that there was to be another to lead the tribes back to their former home but your books put flesh on the bones, also I have known where the ten tribes were but you have added so much more. Thank you. I shall have reread these books to gain all that is in them and I look forward to the other books you have planned. Please let me know when they are to be published."
Linda, Isle of Mull, Scotland


"Glad you like the books, the six world wars is of course ww1, ww2 which have already passed so no comment their:
ww3 The destruction of Babylon (USA) which is preceded by the destruction of the secular Jewish nation in the middle east called Isrial.
ww4 is when the antichrist invades the middle east (after he had either out right conquered the other nations or had made treaties with them example China, he does not conquer China he makes a treaty with them, this overrunning of the nations by him is the bulk of ww4 but the finial showdown is in the middle east with the world only supper power the Kingdom of Zion. Sorry I can't go into more detail here but the Lord explained to me not to go too far into detail until the books are ready to placed into the people's hands. In other words the "Tribulation Period" of history (7 years) is "simplisticly complicated" mainly because of the inaccurate teaching of prophecy that has been going on for the past 120 to 150 years. To do my part to help get this straightened out I can only go step by step with the actual prophecies as I have in the first two books and the DVD. If I just start telling everybody what biblical prophecy says is going to happen during the tribulation period they because of what they have been taught in the past, well they just would not believe me with out the prophecies right their in front of them to prove it.
ww5 is when China moves against the Kingdom of the Antichrist and their forces meet in the valley of MEGO (this is the start of the battle of Armageddon) Jesus return at this time resolves this and end's this War.
ww6 fast forward 1000 years into the Kingdom of the Christ (also called Zion) which is different than the "Tribulation Period" zion, which was the kingdom founded by the "Second Moses" who brings all the tribes back into the land 1.5 yrs. into the Great Tribulation Period. When the Devil is released for a short time he leads a revolt using the Earth's (non saved) population that survived the Great and Terrible Day of The Lord (which takes place at the end of the 7 years. [I hope I am not loosing you, hence the reasons for books and much greater detail]. These are the people who did not fight in the Battle of Armageddon who stayed in their nations and were still alive after the "GDof The L". The Lord end's this battle and it is the last battle ever fought in all the Universe.
As for the question of why should the Nation of Wales always proceed England?
I cannot go into detail now (sorry) but as the whole world is thrust into the Great Tribulation Period by the start of WW3, the British Isles are in fear and trembling because it is then that they will realize they a long time ago have traded the Truth of God's Word for a lie of the Devil (an example of this is the witch craft that has run rampant across the British Isles for the past several decades i.e. "harry potter..etc.". During the midst of this War Britain and Ireland shall throw out all semblance of witchcraft all thought of paganism, this War shall bring the British Isles to their collective knees which their have not been on for so long a time. The fear of being invaded by the World conquering Russian - Chinese - Islamic horde who by this time has already subdued all Europe Asia and the American Continents and has afterwords turned their hungry eyes upon Britain (which will include Ireland). This fear which shall be greater than the fear of German invasion of WW2 shall make the British people turn to the only one who can help them (and that is not harry potter) it is The Lord Strong And Mighty. Why is Britain given this reprieve when the other nations of the Earth are not? Because there are many, many prophecies that must be fulfilled be Jesus (Messiah ben David) can or will return. These Biblical Prophecies shall begin in Scotland and then move to Ireland from their Wales shall drag England into them, it is because Wales leads England and not the other way around England shall follow their lead. These things are difficult to accept now but when the bullets are flying long held barriers break down, and when Darkness is thrown off a land that has been so long covered by it, the Light shines on things that have not seen daylight for hundreds or even thousands of years. Their are other reasons for Wales to be put before England but this will have to do for now.
I probably have given you more information than you wanted but you know how it is with us writers once we start you can's shut us up. I you know anybody that might think this information interesting pleas forward this to them. More information is on my website as well as the first two books and the DVD at
Hope this answers your question!"


"Thank you for your email, I look forward even more excitedly to the other books that you will be writing. I can wait patiently for them as it is always better to keep in God's timing rather than mans.
Thank you once again"




"Well check this out.i recently watched a dvd called the was put
together by a group of remote viewers one being an ex army official.their
conclusion is that our planet will be hit by a major catastrophy caused by
the shifting of the earth's axis.some safe havens were listed ie canada.i am
curious as to how this ties in with your research.
best regards"


"Their is a time known in biblical prophecy that is toward the end of the seven tribulation period know by the ancient prophets as the "Great and Terrible Day of the Lord" (Joel 2:31). No matter how bad the previous tribulation period was this time will be even worse. The Prophets that the Lord gave a glimpse into that day asked the Lord after wards that they be not alive in that day.
This sounds like the time that the Earth's axis will shift from the words speaks of the earth rolling to and fro. The first shifting of the Earth's axis happened during the days of Job or at least he was familiar with the event. "Which removed the mountains, and they know not: which overturneth them in his anger. Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars (foundations) thereof tremble" it sound like during this "GTDofTL" what was undone centuries ago, shall be fixed. The "major catastrophe" no doubt will be "wormwood" (Revelation 8:11) the great "star" or meteorite which hits the ocean sometime during or just before or it starts this "GTDofTL" day."
















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