World War






Question: "Hi Mr.Griffey,received my book cannot put it down it is great.couple of
questions though, if one chooses to remain in the usa do you recommend living
away from the coastline? On the other hand if one leaves what are some

Answer: "Glad you like the book!
Yes to answer your first questions that would be best, but if you live on the coast either east or west and you stay alert, their will be certain signs that will tell you the invasion is near and other signs that will tell you it is immediate. The first set of signs will be drought, massive layoffs, cutback of government college funds, unemployment riots in the cities across America, start of the race war... the list goes on in "Word War 3 in Prophecy".
The set of signs that the invasion is immediate is Chinese occupational forces in Japan, and Russian occupational forces in Israel. Then their will be a finial coordinating event on the West Coast of America I go into this in the book World War 3 you just haven't gotten their yet.
To answer your second question: The best is their will come a time just before the invasion that the Lord will call his highly trained units out of Babylon, they will be sent to there native lands if that is too dangerous for them He will choose another destination. This is explained in the last few chapters of "World War 3". One of the prophecies dealing with this is Jeremiah 51:8-10 ,50:8,51:45,46 ...etc.
Hope this answers your question."










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World War