Biblical Prophecy

Has the Lord given you a story to tell about the 2 exodus that is prophesied about in the Bible? Have you had a dream concerning an event that would happen in the 2 Exodus? If so please put them in an email and send them into, they will be considered for posting in a new section on our site! Send Them to:

Mount Ephraim Publishing

"For a voice declareth from Dan, and publisheth affliction from mount Ephraim." Jeremiah 4:15

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Afterwards shall the children of Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king, and shall fear to the Lord and His goodness in the latter days.”

— Hosea 3:5


Did you ever wonder what it was like for the Hebrews walking on the dry sand of the Red Sea. With the pillar of fire towering over them and the Lord's anointed (Moses) before them, carrying his staff, the "Rod of God" in hand?

" The Lord said, I will bring again from Bashan, I will bring my people again from the depths of the sea:"
Psalms 68:22

This was written by King David 664 years after the Hebrew Exodus out of Egypt.

Its going to happen again!

The deliverance from slave masters
The Manna falling from Heaven
The defeat of Pharaoh (Modern day Illuminati / New World Order)
The bringing back of all the tribes into the Promised Land again

(did not happened in 1948)

And many more wonderful things.

All of this will take place before Messiah ben David (who is Jesus) returns.
The previous understanding of prophecy, that has been taught, is from the Devils prospective (antichrist, mark of the beast…etc.).

What was left out is what God is going to do!

You thought you knew what events would take place during the 7 year Tribulation period.
As we say in Texas

"You an't heard nothing yet"!

Radio News!!!


We are not on the air at this time!

Second Exodus message needs to go on the air (Radio Shortwave) world wide, with what is happing in the World

We need to get on the air!

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What prophecy is the nation of Israel tying to force that will lead to its destruction? How will China invade Japan and what nations in the Far East shall fall in order for this to happen? Find out in the Lecture series W.W.3 in Prophecy:The Revenge of the Czars! Will these actions lead to the end of the world, find out now!


The Apocrypha use to be in the King James Bible, find out why powerful men took it out! What was said about the "The Great Tribulation" period that they would rather you did not know. Find out in the new Griffey Family Bible Study (audio) section.





New News!

* Online Store open with 2Exodus images on Products!





Short Waive Radio Broadcast are available for FREE in the Griffey Family Bible Study section!



These unique...

one of a kind the "Voice Of The Prophets" Books and DVD's are exclusive publications of Mount Ephraim Publishing! They're not available in book stores, ebay, amazon, or other supply outlets or anywhere else like that. You can only get these publications right here at this website!
You can even take advantage of our "Special Package Offer" (Listed on our books page)! For a very short time, you can get both books #1 "World War 3 In Prophecy: The Next Dark Ages" also #2 "The Second Moses" as well as the "World War 3 The Revenge Of The Czars" 2.5 hour DVD at a special introductory price!

By the way, our publications make great Christmas or Birthday presents,

for the Deep thinker in your family, or the stray lamb in your life who needs to get back in the fold!

This is a response to an email I received:

"You are correct that the modern church in the world today have horribly abused the understanding of the "Rapture" as taught by Jesus in the parable of the five wise and the five foolish virgins. The christians as well as the jews have through out history horribly abused the scripture, but that does not lessen the Word of God in the least.
The "Jews" that were murdered during WW2 could not be helped by the "Raptured" because as the parable said "Midnight" had not arrived yet, they did not live to see the deliverance. The "Jews" during the rampaging of the "Antichrist" across the Middle East during WW4 will not be saved by the "Rapture" either. Only a "remnant" protected in Petra shall survive, WW4.
When the rapture finally does arrive it will come during WW4, the effect the Petra Jews will see by it is those among them that were "Messianic Jews" or "Fulfilled Jew" what ever label you choose to use, will no longer be among them. Hence the two shall be grinding at the Mill one shall be taken the other left, He is speaking about the Jews in Petra in the time known as the "Great Tribulation". I can give you chapter and vrs. but better still, the deepest understanding of the "Rapture" as we Christians have come to refer to it, is found throughout the book of "Song of Solomon".
"I sleep" SofS 5:2 (stated by the 5 foolish virgins i.e. Jews in Petra)
"I have put off my coat: how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet; how shall I defile them" :3 (as in Jesus's parable the 5 foolish virgins do wake but not in time to go in the "rapture")
Hence "I opened to my beloved; but my beloved had withdrawn himself, and was gone" :6 (the Jews in Petra knew "their beloved" had come and gone, because those Jews who were living among them who knew who Jesus was Messiah ben David were "raptured" away with him, at this time.
"The watchmen that went about the city (Jerusalem) found me, they smote me, they wounded me; the keepers of the walls took away my veil form me" :7 (When a group of Jews who were known in Petra as "believers" disappears from within their midst as they themselves said they would do when the "rapture" happened. The far greater number of Jews who are left behind (no pun intended) experience this, it shall terrify some of the Jews so much that they shall leave the safety of Petra and try to make it to the area in Lebanon where the rest of the "Tribes" were battling the forces of the Antichrist during WW4. These Jews who leave the safety of Petra must find out if all the "saints"/"Christians" that make up the other 10 tribes are gone also. As they are making it across an Antichrist controlled Mideast/Holy Land they go threw Jerusalem the "watchmen" the Jews who sided with the Antichrist find them and "smote" and "wounded" them so that they cannot go any further and cannot return to Petra "keepers of the walls took away my veil from me" (the walls these "keepers" are keeping are the walls of Jerusalem and they are keeping them for the Antichrist. The "veil" that is taken away form them is the ability to return to the safety of Petra.
Hope this helps... please don't be so angry with the Lord for the death of the Jews during WW2 their is a great deal of that story that was kept out of all the History Books. If that tale was told in it's entirety it would not be the Lord who would be at fault. You find very little in the "history books" that is actually true, real History, True History is one of the most fascinating subjects you will ever study. The reason they dumb it down in the public schools is they are afraid you might find out what really happened in "True History".... Jesus spoke of the time you are living in when He said "take heed that you be not deceived" Luke 21:8"
Your friend in Christ
Dan Bertran G.

In The News

(News that you may not have heard)

"The following is a transcript of a speech believed to have been given by Mr. Chi Haotian, Minster of Defense and vice-chairman of China’s Central Military Commission... The speech argues for the necessity of China using biological warfare to depopulate the United States and prepare it for a future massive Chinese colonization." Read Transcript!


Questions - Answers



"What do Dolmens and other megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge tell us?" Cont...

"Could you explain the 6 world wars, I can only manage 5 ?" Cont..

"I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ryszard Ewiak and I live in Poland. I believe that the Bible is God's Word in which He revealed what will happen in the future and also the road to people's salvation. For over 30 years I have studied God's prophecies. Recently I have decided to send a short biblical analysis to people all over the world." Cont..

"I am sure your book is excellent, and I hope it
makes you plenty of money. However, what I am concerned about, is the
interpretation , with due respect, of many of the ancient writings through
the open minded ,scientific eyes of the 21st century." Cont..

"Hi Mr.Griffey, received my book cannot put it down it is great. Couple of
questions though, if one chooses to remain in the USA do you recommend living
away from the coastline? On the other hand if one leaves what are some
suggestions." cont...!

History Repeats Itself!

The Senate allows the bankers authority to confiscate all possessions of citizens in debt. Passing laws which protects the banks and enslaves the debtor's. The Nation's enemy's take advantage of the civil disorder and invade laying waste the Nation.

Visit our new section "History repeats itself!"



"Daniel in the Lion's Den" by Briton Riviere


"About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up
who will turn their attention to the Prophecies, and insist
upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much
clamor and opposition."

Sir Isaac Newton 1642-1727


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“Summon archers against Babylon, all who draw the bow!
Encamp against her round about… for she has acted insolently
against the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.” Jeremiah 50:29 (Heb. Tran.)

"For in the day of trouble they shall be against her
round about...let the archer bend his bow."
Jeremiah 51:2-3 KJV


Is this book a fulfillment of a 2,730 year old prophecy?


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2.4 hour DVD




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"The Lord said, I will bring again from Bashan, I will
bring my people again from the depths of the sea."

Psalms 68:22 KJV


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"If you have knowledge, let others light their
candles with it."

Winston Churchill




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An Open letter:

You've been taught by the majority of well meaning Prophecy teachers, that what is about to come upon the Earth very soon, in the days leading up to the Biblical Great Tribulation period and on, into that seven years. Is going to be so terrible, that you could never survive it, and that is why the Lord God is going to Rapture you out before it. This has been reinforced in your mind time and time again, through movies, and books on prophecy.
You're not going to find that here!
The Lord (blessed be his name) did not rapture the Hebrews out of Egypt! He delivered them through it with signs and wonders brought about by His strong right arm. Noah wasn't raptured out of a wicked world by the hand of God, the ark rode above the waves and landed on the mountain top.
There is coming a Rapture! But when it takes place within the 7 year period, you won't want to leave, because of the mighty deeds you are seeing God do on your behalf.

In Christ

Dan Bertran Griffey



We now offer a FREE! e-letter program. That will be sent to you by email.

The e-letter will discuss:

* How to prophetically interpret the current News.
*What happened in the past that has an effect on today's news event.

It will be only one or two pages long, so it will be packed full and will not take a lot of time to read. If you wish to have this sent to you, you will need to send us your name and email address. I do not sell email address and will not give your infomation out to anyone, but in order to receive it,

you will need to REGISTER.

Past Topics for the Voice of the Prophets E-Letter have been:

  • What will happen to our Currencies?

  • Why we can’t just all get along!

  • The Promised End of World War 3 in Prophecy!

  • They try to defraud you of your estate!

  • The Lord makes a promise which as of yet He has not kept!

  • Animal Sacrificed to Save the Holy Land!

  • After a great Earth Quake hits America, civil unrest comes!

  • Liberals of the Nations during the Tribulation period turn to the Lord and Repent!

  • The Habitation of Dragons!

  • A modern day Korah incident takes place on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean!










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